How to use AngularJS with Visual Studio Express 2015 for Web

In my opinion the most convinient way to write a web application with AngularJS, is to download from microsoft's web site ( the Visual Studio Express for Web

After you have completed the installation, start regularly the Visual Studio for Web

And just create a new project

In the next form declare your prefer language (I prefer C#) and give the project name and the location in which your project should be stored.

After you have completed push the OK button

From the next form chose Empty project and press OK

After few moment your project will be ready

Now you should add the AngularJS scripts.

Place your cursor to solution explorer window and on the project name press the right click

From the next form chose to browse everything about AnjularJS

Select the AngularJS Core and finally press install button

If everything goes well, the scipts would  have been added into your project

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